Cleared up a lot of “gray” areas for me!

A huge “Thank You” for putting together such a wonderful class. Your class has cleared up a lot of “gray” areas for me. So many useful little tidbits to produce a happy team. The head position of looking down & just in front of the dog has greatly improved our heeling. With little dogs they try to forge to look in to your face, but with your method they actually are following my eyes and no longer feel the need to forge for eye contact. And once again…if the do forge…your method of throwing the cookie back solves that problem. By the way….I’’m falling in love with my go outs!!!! I now have dogs that are jumping off the start position & really running with confidence. They really understand “away” Your methods are so relaxing & rewarding to the dog. I can’t say “Thank You” enough. Count me in on the next session please !!!! ~ Brenda G.

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