Clicker trained dogs won’t work without food.

Again, in the beginning stages of training, food is used liberally. However, a good clicker trainer learns how to go from continuous to variable schedules of reinforcement and to learn to use other types of reinforcers (see item #14 above under the homework section)

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In training, a dog should never be given a choice.

Clicker trainers believe that they can set up the situation so that their dogs make the desired choices. Dogs always have behavioral choices, even when trained with punishment. To think they do not is an illusion that many correction based trainers cling to.

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The clicker is a fad or gimmick.

Actually, using a conditioned reinforcer (such as a clicker) is a training method based on sound, scientifically proven psychological principles. Extensive research has been conducted on the effectiveness of conditioned reinforcers in training.

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