
Here are some “Facebook Live” videos, all in one place! Topics near and dear to my heart and your dog’s wellbeing! Please enjoy my latest and greatest!

“Food Bowls” People often have misconceptions about food bowls and dogs – what they should do, what they shouldn’t do and the bizarre reasons given to these owners. Many of you have been adopting or purchasing dogs, some are first time dog owners. I hope with this short talk, I will have made it all so clear that you never have a problem!

“Give” How to teach your dog to give objects up, without creating a dog that resource guards. Throw away the outdated misinformation that you must take away stuff to show your dog who’s dominant. Phooey. Teach them that it’s FUN to give stuff up!

“Chin rest” You can use a chin target or chin rest for may things – from grooming and handling, to teeth brushing, to tricks, to just about anything you can think of. What are YOUR ideas? And did you know I have an entire chapter about handling in my book “You Can Train Your Dog; Mastering the Art & Science of Modern Dog Training?” (winner of the Maxwell Award for Best Training book from the DWAA) Comes in print or ebook formats – check out the “store” button!

Crate Training 101 Because so many people have puppies and rescue dogs now, I thought it was an appropriate time to discuss crate training, especially since many of you may be first time dog owners. We won’t be stuck at home forever, so now is the time to train it!

Driving up the value of non-food reinforcers The first clip was just a small test, but watch the other ones as well as I build on this important topic. I also have an entire chapter about this in my book “You Can Train Your Dog; Mastering the Art & Science of Modern Dog Training?” (winner of the Maxwell Award for Best Training book from the DWAA) Comes in print or ebook formats – check out the “store” button!

Driving up the value of non-food reinforcers, continued

Driving up the value of non-food reinforcers, continued

Teaching the behaviors you can then use as reinforcers!

Shaping a dog to accept a muzzle. There was a part 3, but the audio and video didn’t match up

More to come!