Pam’s Brags


Both Dreamer and Bran earned their Farm Dog titles today! They rocked it! I would have done Finn but he’s 100% deaf now and about 75% blind…

CDSP, Dreamer – Trial 1: Utility B – 196.5, 3rd place and 8 more OTCH points
Trial 2: Utility B – 197, 2nd place and 8 more OTCH points
Trial 2: Open C – 195.5, 2nd place!
so she now has 34 OTCH points toward her 2nd OTCH!
(she already has her Open Championship, but I thought I’d go for a 2nd one since she’s still high drive and willing – even at 11-1/2 years old!

CDSP, Dreamer got a 199.5 in Utility B and High in Trial and 10 more points toward her 2nd OTCH!

Feb 7, 2024
Dreamer ranked #15 in the Top 20 for the 2023 National Ranking Award in CDSP for Utility!!!! I was hoping that Finn would rank too, but alas, he didn’t… but he certainly ranks high with me!

September 23, 2023

Dreamer finished up her OTCH-C with a 196 and 2nd place with 4 OTCH points to spare, and is now OTCH-C, UDX-C2, ARCHEX Pinnacle Dream a Little Dream of Ewe, CGC, BN, CD, CD-CCH, CDX-CCH, RL1X, RL2X2, RL3X, TKN, TKI, TKA, HIT, VTX
and because she loves to show, I started working on her 2nd OTCH and her first leg was a 197 and 8 OTCH points!

Bran shut down on the 1st trial in Utility A, so I showed him FEO on the 2nd trial and he got better and better. He has become very environmentally sensitive, so I’m working on it!

June 10
Dreamer got 10 more OTCH points today – I miscalculated and thought she only needed 10 for her OTCH…oops, she needed 12. So, only 2 more points to go! :o(
Bran got a little closer to getting his first UD leg – lately he’s been dyslexic on the directed jumping

April 8
Finn finished up his OTCH (Obedience Trial Championship) today!!! with 4 points to spare!!! He is now OTCH-C, UDX-C2, ARCHEX, Finnish What Ewe Started, CGC, CD, BN, CDX-C, UDX-C, CDX-CCH, RL1X, RL2X2, RL3X, TKN, TKI, TKA, VT

Dreamer got a 198, 2nd place and 193.5 and 1st place and 14 more OTCH points – only 12 more points to go!

Bran was up and happy in his first Utility run and NQ’d on the go outs, but the rest was perfect! He was spooked by something in the 2nd trial, but that’s okay.

April 1 – One Q today – Dreamer with a 194.5 and 6 OTCH points!
The others are getting closer!

March 24
Dreamer saved the day today with a 199 in Utility B for 10 more OTCH points! Only 32 more to go! Finn was oh so close – he would have have 8 more OTCH points but his achilles heel is signals – I cued the down and he came instead…Bran tried hard and I screwed up and forgot to put the sticky stuff on his feet and when he slipped a little, he shut down – stupid Pam.

2022 National Rankings for CDSP!
Bran – ranked 19th in Novice C
Dreamer ranked 18th in Utility B
Finn ranked 20th in Utility B

Jan 27
CDSP trial tonight – Bran debuted in Utility – what he did right, he did very right – just a few little things to clean up. Alas, Finn didn’t Q, so no more OTCH points (stupid stuff) (he only needs 10 more….fighting against the clock here – he’s going deaf and blind….but Dreamer did get a 193 and 2nd place in Utility for 6 more OTCH points – only 42 more to go

Nov. 19, 2022
CDSP trial again today! 4 really close runs with honest mistakes (or in Dreamer’s case, a little overzealous to think straight), but Finn did get a 194, 3rd place and 6 more OTCH points. (would have been a 199 but he had one no sit and when I asked him to sit, he just couldn’t hear me) Only 10 more OTCH points to go!

Nov. 5, 2022 – CDSP
Finn got a 195 and 4th place and 6 more OTCH points – only 16 more to go!
Dreamer got a 199, first place and HIGH IN TRIAL and 10 more OTCH points – only 48 more to go! And she finished up her UDX-C today! (6 qualifying scores in Utility)
Bran, alas, was not at his best…

Oct. 22, 2022 – CDSP
Bran was very close to getting his first Open Championship leg – just a minor bauble on anticipating the retrieve
Finn got a 190.5, 4th place and 4 more OTCH points – he now only needs 22 more
Dreamer got a 195.5, 2nd place and 6 more OTCH points – she now only needs 58 more

Oct 1, 2022
Bran finished up his Novice Championship today! (10 Q’s above 185). His scores were 192, 198.5 and 1st place and High Combined (HC), 198 and 3rd place and HC, 194.5 and 2nd place, 199 and 2nd place and HC, 197.5 and 3rd place and HC, 198 and 2nd place, 197, 197 and 4th place and 195.5 and 3rd place!

Dreamer got a 196.5 in Utility B (going for her OTCH) and 1st place and 8 more OTCH points – she’s now up to 36 OTCH points – 64 more points to go! (she NQ’d in one of the trials but the rest was beautiful)

Finn NQ’d in one of the trials and the 2nd one was better but not high enough to garner any OTCH points, but he did the hard exercise for him (signals)

July 23, 2022
My gang again in CDSP Obedience!
Bran got his 8th and 9th Novice Championship legs with a 197 (no placement) and a 198 and 4th place!
Finn got a 195 and 2nd place in the morning trial and 6 more OTCH points and in the 2nd trial, got a 198 and 8 more OTCH points. He now has a total of 74 OTCH points – only 26 more to go!
Dreamer got a 199.5, 1st place, High in Trial and 10 more OTCH points – she now has 28 OTCH points – only 72 more to go. She also NQ’d – one tiny bauble and was working on a 200! Better luck next time!

July 22, 2022
Finn got a 197.5 and 1st place in Utility B earning 8 more OTCH points for a total now of 60 OTCH points!
Bran got a 198 in Novice, earning his 7th Championship leg. He tied for High in Trial but lost the run off for a 2nd place

July 9, 2022
First time trailing this year because of the aneurism in my right eye. Still have double vision but the aneurism is gone!
Bran got his 6th Championship leg in Novice with a 197.5 and 2nd place! (one little bauble in Open for his Championship but that’s okay

Finn got a 198.5 in Utility B, 2nd place and 8 more OTCH points, so now he has 52 OTCH points – only 48 more points to go!

Dreamer got a 199 in Utility B, 1st place and 10 OTCH points, so now she has 18 OTCH points – only 82 more to go!
Not too shabby for my dogs and for me, working on one eye!

What an amazing start to the new year! Top 20 Ranking from CDSP Obedience with all three dogs!!!
Open A – Bran ranked #15!
Utility A – Dreamer ranked #3!!
Utility B – Finn (going for his OTCH: Obedience Trial Championship) ranked #16!


Dreamer got her VTX – Versatility Excellent Title from the AWSS and Finn got his Versatility Title! (American Working Shetland Sheepdogs)!!!

While the boys didn’t qualify today – honest mistakes, Dreamer did! She got a 198.5 in Utility B, with a first place and her first OTCH points! only 92 more points to go!

Had an AMAZING day today with my gang at a CDSP trial and finished up THREE titles!

Bran – earned his 5th Novice CH leg with a 199 and 2nd place and finished up his CDX with a 197 and got HIGH COMBINED!

Dreamer – finished up her UD with a 198.5 and first place!

Finn – got 2 more legs toward his OTCH – a 199 and 1st place and a 195 and 3rd place and got 16 more OTCH points – he now has 44 OTCH points – only 56 more points to go and on top of that he earned his UDX-C!

10/8 – Bran ranked 226 in BCAT out of 347 Border collies!

9/24 & 25
Bran finished up his BCAT this weekend with 4 super runs! 24.12 MPH, 25.07 MPH, 23.62 MPH and 23.32 MPH!

Bran got his 4th Championship leg in Novice with a 194.5 and a 2nd place
He missed finishing up his CDX – anticipation on the retrieve over the high jump – that’s okay though!)

Dreamer missed finishing up her UD by one tiny bauble but she rocked the rest of it

Finn got a 198 and first place in Utility B, lost the run off for High in Trial, but got 8 more OTCH points – so far a total of 28 OTCH points – only 72 more to go!

Today was an unbelievably wonderful day trialling my gang!

Novice C – 1st run, 1st place with a 198.5 (2nd Championship leg)
Novice C – 2nd run, 3rd place (lost the run off for 2nd place) with a 198 (3rd championship leg)

His debut in Open A – 1st run, 2nd place with a 193.5
2nd run, 2nd place with a 190.5 (he was getting VERY tired)

BOTH trials, Bran earned HIGH COMBINED!

Utility B – 2nd run, 1st place with a 194.5 and 6 OTCH points, which brings his total to 20 points. (Only 80 points left to go!)

Utility A – 1st run, 3rd place with a 191 (her first Utility Leg!!!)
2nd run, 1st place, with a 199.5 and HIGH IN TRIAL!

Mr. Bran did a fabulous job doing Fast Cat this morning!
Run #1 – 8.53 seonds/23.98 MPH and
his 2nd run was 8.48 seconds/24.12 MPH! He’ll most likely finish up his BCAT title with 3 more runs! We have to wait until September though – no Fast Cat trials in the summer here in NJ.

Bran finished up his CDSP CD with a 192 and first place! And he also got his first Novice Championship leg, with a 192. He is now Bran Newe Day, CD-C, CGC, TKN, TKI, RL2, HIT (Herding Instinct Test)

Dreamer and Bran tried their hand at FAST Cat. Dreamer didn’t quite get the idea…Bran though, after a kind of slow and tentative first run of 15.44 MPH – his second run was 23.6 MPH. Dreamer’s second run/walk/stop/walk was 5.44 MPH…still faster than I could have done!

Bran got his 2nd CD leg with a 186.5 and 3rd place! He was very nervous about the environment, so I know what I have to do!

Finn – in Utility B (going for his OTCH) got…drum roll please!…a 200 (perfect score), first place and 10 OTCH points! Only 86 more points to go!

Dreamer was very close to getting her first UD leg!

Bran is now It’s a Bran Newe Day, CGC, TKN, TKI, RL2, HIT (Herding Instinct Test)
Dreamer is now ARCHEX Pinnacle Dream a Little Dream of Ewe, CGC, BN, CD, CD-CCH, CDX-CCH, RL1X, RL2X2, RL3X, TKN, TKI, TKA, HIT

Finn had zero interest in sheep…

Finn got a 191 in Utility B and his first 4 OTCH points! (only 96 more points to go!)

2/12/21 – Bran got his first Novice leg with a 195.5 and first place!

1/17/21: I found out today that Finn Ranked 12th in the Top 20 in the National Ranking for CDSP Obedience in Utility!!!!


November 7, 2020

Finn finished up his UD with a 190.5 and a first place! He would have gotten a 199, except for the weird way he did his go outs… but I’m thrilled!!! He is now: UD-C, ARCHEX, Finnish What Ewe Started, CGC, CD, BN, CDX-C, CDX-CCH, RL1X, RL2X2, RL3X, TKN, TKI, TKA

October 10
Bran in Rally
Not a great day today – he was very “off” for some reason.
Level 1B – 4th championship leg: 207 (there was a ghost near one of the signs, so we had to redo it)
Level 2B – 1st championship leg: 201 (refused the jump 3 times, but finally did it!)
Level 3A – NQ – he was very spooked by something, but he did the hard stuff nicely before he fell apart

October 3
Finn got his 2nd Utility leg with a 199 (out of a possible 200)!!! and a first place!

August 7
Level 1B – 3rd Championship leg: 210 and 2nd place
Level 2A – 3rd leg and title! 201 and 2nd place

July 4
Back in the rally ring for the first time this year with Bran. Not bad, not great, learning experience for both of us!
Level 1B – 1st Championship leg: 201
Level 1B – 2nd Championship leg: 210 and 1st place
Level 2A – 1st leg: 198 and 2nd place (his boo-boo – he was nervous about the jump, so I had to redo it)
Level 2A – 2nd leg: 201 and 1st place (my boo-boo – I misread a sign and didn’t realize it…duh…)

Jan. 29 – I found out that Dreamer ranked 9th in the National Top 20 in CDSP Obedience in the Open C class!!!!

Jan. 25
Bran got his CGC today and completed his Novice and Intermediate Trick titles! He is now It’s a Bran Newe Day, CGC, TKN, TKI, RL1


Nov. 30, 2019
Bran, now It’s a Bran Newe Day, RL1
Rally Level 1
1. August 24, 2019 210 and first place
2. Nov. 30, 2019, 210, 1st place
3. Nov. 30, 210, 1st place and new title and High Combined! and he will be getting an Award of Merit as well!

Dreamer, CDSP Trial
July 6, 2019
Open C – 9th championship leg with a 196.5 and 2nd place. Would have been a 198.5 had *I* not dropped the dumbbell….duh
Open C – 10th and final championship leg, can’t remember the score though…I’ll find it!

Finn is getting closer to qualifying in Utility – he’s getting (finally) the hardest (for him) exercise (signals), but now all of a sudden he’s forgetting where to go on the go outs for directed jumping…but he’s getting the rest of it all with no mistakes!

Dreamer, CDSP Trial
April 27, 2019
Open C, 7th leg toward championship with a 193.5 and a 2nd place (she made a 5 point boo-boo – honey, the go out is straight, not over where glove 3 would be…)
8th leg with a 198.5 and a first place

March 3, 2019
CDSP Trial – Dreamer
Open C, 5th leg toward championship with a 197, 2nd place
6th leg toward championship with a 194, 1st place

Poor Finn – I made a mistake that cost him a 199 in Utility…


End of year recap for my Shelties:

ARCHEX Pinnacle Dream a Little Dream of Ewe, CGC, BN, CD, CDX-C, CD-CCH, RL1X, RL3X, RL2X2, TKN, TKI, TKA and Achiever Dog

Finished up her Novice Championship in CDSP Obedience with scores and placements of;
194.5 – 1st place
195 – 1st place
192.5 – 3rd place
197 – 2nd place
198.5 – 1st place
199 – 2nd place
199 – 2nd place (lost run off for 1st place and HIT)
200 – 1st place, HIT and High Combined
199 – 2nd place (by half point)
196.5 – 4th place AND NOVICE CHAMPION

(and ranked 20th in Novice C National Rankings year last year)

and she has 4 legs toward her Open Championship in CDSP (she needs 10)
196.5 – 4th place
197.5 – 1st place
190.5 – 2nd place
198.5 – 1st place
She finished up her Beginner Novice in AKC with
194 – tied for first place, lost run off, so 2nd place
199 – 1st place
Finished up her CD in AKC with less than stellar scores, but we were working some stuff out;
188 – 4th place, High Scoring Sheltie
174 – (7 no sits = 21 points off – ouch) – she was VERY nervous
but the next day she started to feel more comfy – 187.5, no place
She also finished up her ARCHEX in WCRL Rally
L2 ————L3
205 ———-209 (1st)
206 (4th)— 210 (1st)
210 (1st) —209 (1st)
210 (1st) —210 (1st)
210 (1st) —206 (3rd)
200 ———-209 (1st)
207 (3rd) —207 (1st)
209 (1st) —209 (1st)
210 (1st) —207 (1st)
209 (1st) —205 (5th)
And…she earned her Novice, Intermediate and Advanced Trick titles with the AKC, performing:
The Novice Tricks: fetch, get on a platform, hand signals, jump, spin.

The Intermediate Tricks: balance treat on nose, fetch 20 feet, puzzle, place, 3 hand signals, leg weave, push easy button, rollover, sit pretty, wave.

The Advanced Tricks: walk backwards, stand on a barrel, circle right and left, head down, play dead, scent discrimination (5 articles), sit/down at a distance, take tissue out of box when I sneeze, weave poles, handstand.
Earned her Achiever Award from the AKC.
Passed her skills set tests in Treibball for Level 3 Pushing, Level 3 Directionals, and Level 3 Distance!
And, starred in my newest DVD, “The Magic of Shaping, Explore the Possibilities!”
I don’t trial in the winter around here because the constant threat of snow, so I’m spending the time cleaning up little things so I can start showing her in AKC Open and CDSP Utility in the Spring and moving up the ladder in Treibball.
Wow! Writing this all down made me realize how much we’ve accomplished this year and what a stellar performance dog she truly is. But the best part is that she’s a great snuggle companion and a trail walking companion.

Finn had a slightly less busy year, but nevertheless, did a great job! He tends to be a little environmentally sensitive, so this stuff is a BIG deal for my little guy!

ARCHEX, Finnish What Ewe Started, CGC, CD, BN, CDX-C, CDX-CCH, RL1X, RL2X2, RL3X, TKN, TKI, TKA and Achiever Dog

He finished up his ARCHEX in WCRL Rally

L2———— L3
206 ———-205 (4th)
210 (1st)— 208 (1st)
207 (2nd) –204 (4th)
202 (4th) —208 (2nd)
204 (4th) —210 (2nd)
210 (1st) —208 (1st)
210 (1st) —209 (2nd)
207 (2nd) –209 (2nd)
206 (3rd) —206 (2nd)
209 (2nd) –208 (3rd)

He also finished up 2 out of 3 Treiball Skill tests
Level 3, Directionals
Level 3, Distance
and just needs to learn to push the ball a little straighter for the Level 3 Pushing test

Finn also got his Open Championship in CDSP Obedience
195.5 – 2nd place
189.5 – 2nd place
194 — 3rd place
197.5 – 3rd place
182 — 2nd place
191 — 3rd place
195.5 – 3rd place
197.5 – 1st place
196 — 1st place
193.5 – 1st place and NEW OPEN CHAMPION

Finn finished up his AKC Novice, Intermediate and Advanced Trick titles with;

The Novice Tricks: fetch, get on a platform, hand signals, jump, spin.

The Intermediate Tricks: balance treat on nose, fetch 20 feet, puzzle, place, 3 hand signals, leg weave, push easy button, rollover, sit pretty, wobble board.

The Advanced Tricks: walk backwards, bow, circle right and left, head down, play dead, scent discrimination (5 articles), sit/down at a distance, take tissue out of box when I sneeze, weave poles, handstand.

Finn also received his Achiever Dog Title from the AKC.

And he also appeared in my new video, “The Magic of Shaping, Explore the Possibilities!”

He’s almost ready to finish up his UD in CDSP – 1 little glitch (he gets scared being away from me on the signal exercise), but I’m determined to fix it!

He’s “game,’ He’s funny, he’s a brat sometimes (barking – so what else is new…), but really smart and loving.

November 27, 2018
Dreamer finished up her 10th QQ in Levels 2 and 3 for her ARCHEX! (and with a 1st and 5th place)

September 29, 2018
CDSP Trial

AM Trial
Dreamer: Novice C – 199 and 2nd place, 9th Championship leg!

Finn: Open C – 196, 1st place, 9th Championship leg!

PM Trial
Dreamer: Novice C – 196.5, 4th place and new Novice Champion! Dreamer is now ARCHX Pinnacle Dream a Little Dream of Ewe, CGC, BN, CD, CDX-C, CD-CCH, RL1X, RL3X, RL2X, TKN, TKI, TKA and Achiever Dog

Finn: Open C – 193.5, 1st place and new Open Champion! Finn is now ARCHEX, Finnish What Ewe Started, CGC, CD, CDX-CCH, BN, CDX-C, RL1X, RL3X, RL2X, TKN, TKI, TKA and Achiever Dog

September 8, 2018
CDSP Trial
AM Trial: Open C – 190.5, 2nd place
Novice C – 199, 2nd place, lost run off for 1st place and 3 way run off for HIT

PM Trial: Open C – 198.5, 1st place
Novice C – 200!!!!!!!! 1st place, HIT and HIGH COMBINED!!!
she got her 7th and 8th Championship legs for Novice C and her 3rd and 4th Championship legs for Open C

Open C: 197.5 and first place and his 8th Championship leg in Open.

September 2, 2018
Dreamer finished up her AKC CD with a 187.5! Not as good as she can do, but we’re working on getting longer behavior chains. She is now: ARCHX Pinnacle Dream a Little Dream of Ewe, CGC, BN, CD, CDX-C, RL1X, RL3X, RL2X, TKN, TKI, TKA

August 11, 2018
Trick Dogs!
Dreamer got her Novice, Intermediate and Advanced Trick Titles!
Her name is now: ARCHEX Pinnacle Dream a Little Dream of Ewe, CGC, BN, CDX-C, RL1X, RL3X, RL2X, TKN, TKI, TKA
The Novice Tricks: fetch, get on a platform, hand signals, jump, spin.
The Intermediate Tricks: balance treat on nose, fetch 20 feet, puzzle, place, 3 hand signals, leg weave, push easy button, rollover, sit pretty, wave.
The Advanced Tricks: walk backwards, stand on a barrel, circle right and left, head down, play dead, scent discrimination (5 articles), sit/down at a distance, take tissue out of box when I sneeze, weave poles, handstand.

Finn got his Novice, Intermediate and Advanced Trick Titles!
His name is now: ARCHEX, Finnish What Ewe Started, CGC, CD, BN, CDX-C, RL1X, RL3X, RL2X, TKN, TKI, TKA
The Novice Tricks: fetch, get on a platform, hand signals, jump, spin.
The Intermediate Tricks: balance treat on nose, fetch 20 feet, puzzle, place, 3 hand signals, leg weave, push easy button, rollover, sit pretty, wobble board.
The Advanced Tricks: walk backwards, bow, circle right and left, head down, play dead, scent discrimination (5 articles), sit/down at a distance, take tissue out of box when I sneeze, weave poles, handstand.

July 21, 2018
Miss Dreamer in AKC Obedience
MUCH better overall today!
Novice B – she laid down a nanosecond before the judge said back to your dog on the 1 minute sit stay…but, her score would have been a 191 – MUCH better performance overall than yesterday – this time only 1 no sit.
Beginner Novice B, 3rd leg and title with a 199 and first place!

July 20, 2018
Miss Dreamer in AKC Obedience
Novice B – 2nd leg with a 174 – man o man were we both stressed! She gave me *7* no sits!
Beginner Novice B – 2nd leg with a 194 – tied for first place, lost the run off (again, a no sit)

July 14, 2018
Miss Dreamer in AKC obedience
Novice B – 1st leg, with a 188 and a 4th place and High Scoring Sheltie, Beginner Novice B – 1st leg, with a 195 (no placement

In her defense, I’ve been running her in sports that allow tons of verbal and/or food reinforcement and AKC doesn’t allow either, so she was a bit unsure.

April 28, 2018
WCRL Rally trial
12 runs, 11 Q’s, 10 placements and Finn finished up his ARCHEX!

First trial
Level 1
Dreamer – 210, 1st place
Finn – 207

Level 2
Dreamer – 209, 1st place
Finn – 209, 2nd place

Level 3
Dreamer – 209, 1st place
Finn – 208, 3rd place

Second trial
Level 1
Dreamer – 205, 5th place
Finn – 209, 1st place

Level 2
Dreamer – 210, 1st place
Finn – 209, 2nd place

Level 3
Dreamer – 207, 1st place
Finn – NQ – I missed a sign…

March 10, 2018
WCRL Rally trial
8 runs, 8 Q’s, 7 placements! And Dreamer finished up her RL3 Championship!
First trial
Finn – Level 2: 207 and 2nd place
Finn – Level 3: 209 and 2nd place (tied with Dreamer but she was faster)

Dreamer – Level 2: 200
Dreamer – Level 3: 209 and first place

Second trial
Finn – Level 2: 206 and 3rd place
Finn – Level 3: 206 and 2nd place

Dreamer – Level 2: 207 and 2nd place
Dreamer – Level 3: 207 and first place

January 20, 2018
Dreamer ranked 20th in the National Rankings for CDSP Obedience in Novice C!

January 18, 2018
Miss Dreamer earned her Level 3 NATE skill sets for Ball Pushing and Distance and Directionals!

See the Treibball page for video clips
Dreamer’s Distance Level 3, Ball Pushing Level 3 and Directionals Level 3 Skill certificates


Mr. Finn earned his Level 3 NATE skill sets for Distance and Directionals! (he still needs to learn how to push the ball a tad straighter to get his Ball Pushing skill)
Finn Distance Level 3 and Directionals Level 3 Skill Certificates



December 2, 2017
WCRL Rally trial
Finn – Level 2B – 210 and 1st place
Dreamer – Level 2B – NQ – I missed a sign
Finn – Level 3B – 209 and 2nd place
Dreamer – Level 3B – 207 and 3rd place and she finished up her level 3 Championship!

November 11, 2017
CDSP Trial!
Finn – Utility A – NQ
Finn – Open C – 191, 3rd place (6th Open Championship leg)
Dreamer – Open C – 197.5, 1st place (2nd Open Championship leg)
Dreamer – Novice C – 198.5, 1st place and HIGH COMBINED!!!! (5th Novice Championship leg)

Finn – Utility A – NQ
Finn – Open C – 195.5, 3rd place (7th Open Championship leg)
Dreamer – Open C – NQ – anticipated on the drop on recall
Dreamer – Novice C – 199, 2nd place (6th Novice Championship leg)

October 28, 2017
WCRL Rally Trial – 8 runs, 8 Q’s, 8 placements! 2 more double Q’s going for their ARCHEX’s – now 6 Double QQ’s!
Level 2B
Finn – 204 and 4th place
Dreamer – 210 and 1st place
Level 3B
Finn – 210 and 2nd place
Dreamer – 210 and 1st place

Level 2B
Finn – 210 and 2nd place
Dreamer – 210 and 1st place
Level 3B
Finn – 208 and 1st place
Dreamer – 206 and 3rd place

October 14, 2017
CDSP Trial – 8 runs, 4 Q’s, 4 placements. The NQ’s were minor, although I NQ’d Dreamer on a 200 score and High in Trial! I’ll forgive myself eventually…
Morning trial:
Finn – Open C, 197.5 and 3rd place (and 4th Open Ch leg)
Dreamer – Open C, 196.5 and 4th place and first Championship leg in Open

Afternoon trial:
Finn – Open C, 192 and 2nd place (and 5th Open Ch leg)
Dreamer – Novice C, 197 and 2nd place and her fourth Novice Ch leg

So Finn got 2 more Q’s for his Open Championship, with a total so far of 5 Championship legs – only 5 more to go!
Dreamer now has 4 Novice Championship legs with 6 more to go, and 9 more Championship legs to go for her Open Championship

October 7, 2017
WCRL Rally trial – not too shabby with the amount (or lack thereof) of training I’ve been able to do!
AM trial
L2B – 206 and 4th place
L3B – 210 and 1st place

L2B – 207 and 2nd place
L3B – 204 and 4th place

PM Trial
L2B – 210 and 1st place
L3B – 209 and 1st place

L2B – 202 and 4th place
L3B – 208 and 2nd place

September 23, 2017
CDSP Trial. Today was my first trial of the year. Between my mom falling gravely ill and passing and me pulling my back out again really badly…. We had 6 runs and 2 Q’s today. I was thrilled to be able to actually heel instead of hobble and Finn got 2 more Q’s for his Open Championship title with a 189.5 (2nd place) and a 194 (3rd place) (2nd and 3rd Open Championship legs).

July 14, 2017
I’ve been working on cleaning up some behaviors with Finn and Dreamer, so haven’t trialled at all so far this year, but I do so love the process. Today I did a Paint Your Pet Party and I chose to do Emma. Very cool and loads of fun!

December 31, 2016
Dreamer got her 3rd CD-C Championship leg today with a 192.5 and a 3rd place! Only 7 more to go!
Dreamer ranked 18th in the National ranking in Open A in CDSP Obedience!
Finn ranked 16th in the National ranking in Utility A in CDSP Obedience!

December 10, 2016
CDSP obedience trial. My little ones did very good for where they’re at, at the moment. 4 Q’s, 4 placements out of 8 runs!
Dreamer – Open A – NQ (missed the DOR)
Dreamer Novice C – 194.5, 1st place (1st CH leg)
Finn – Utility A – NQ
Finn – Open C – not an NQ, but anything below a certain score is considered an NQ
Dreamer – Open A – 192.5, 1st place (3rd CDX leg)
Dreamer – Novice C – 195, 1st place (2nd CH leg)
Finn – Utility A – NQ but much better than the AM trial
Finn – Open C – 195.5 and 2nd place. (1st CH leg)

October, 22, 2016
Dreamer (WCRL Rally) earned another Level 3 leg for her level 3 Championship with a 209 and 1st place, and her first ARCHEX leg with a 205 in level 2 and a 209 (1st place) in level 3

Finn (WCRL Rally) earned 2 more Level 3 Championship legs with a 205 (4th place) and a 208 (1st place, and his first 2 ARCHEX legs with a 206 and 210 (1st place) in Level 2 and a 205 (4th place) and 208 (1st place) in level 3.

October 8, 2016
Dreamer earned her 2nd CDX leg with a 191.5 (don’t remember what placement)

August, 2016
Finn earned his first Utility leg with a 1st place and a score of 196!!!!

July 9, 2016
Dreamer gave birth to 2 puppies! Both male.

April 16, 2016
Miss Dreamer earned her first CDSP Open leg with a 194 and a first place!

April 2, 2016
WCRL Rally trial – 12 runs, 12 Q’s, 10 placements! And both dogs earned their level 2 Championship and their ARCHX!
Finn is now ARCHX Finnish What Ewe Started, CGC, CD, BN, CDX-C, RL1X, RL3, RL2X
Dreamer is now ARCHX Pinnacle Dream a Little Dream of Ewe, CGC, CD-C, RL1X, RL3, RL2X
Finn: Morning trial
1B – 208
2B – 207 – 3rd place
3B – 210 – 1st place

Afternoon trial
1B – 210 – 3rd place
2B – 205 – 4th place
3B – 209 – 1st place

Dreamer: Morning trial
1B – 209
2B – 209 – 2nd place
3B – 209 – 2nd place

Afternoon trial
1B – 209 – 4th place
2B – 210 – 1st place
3B – 207 – 2nd place


End of year ranking
Dreamer ranked 15th in CDSP in 2015 for Novice (and only 2 of her legs counted toward ranking because her first leg was in 2014! Not too shabby!)


WCRL rally trial
Morning – Finn
1B = 210 and 1st place
2B = 210 and 1st place
3B = 206 and 2nd place

Afternoon – Finn
1B = 207
2B = 210 and 1st place
3B = NQ because moron Mom missed a sign

Morning – Dreamer
1B = 209 and 2nd place
2B = 206 and 4th place
3A = 205 and 2nd place and new title

Afternoon – Dreamer
1B = 209 and 2nd place
2B = 196
3B = 210 and 1st place

July – just some fun at a Treibball match!
IMG_5772 IMG_5769

JulyFinn is at the moment, ARCH Finnish What Ewe Started, CGC, BN, CD, CDX-C, RL1X, RL3!Finn

July – Finn finished up his AKC CD title with a 192 and a 4th place!
July – Finn finished up his BN title with a 198-1/2 and a 1st place!
July – Finn got his 2nd BN leg with a 194 and 2nd place!

May – Dreamer finished up her ARCH with 81 points to spare and finished up her RL1X

April – Finn got his 2nd AKC CD leg; with a 181

April – Dreamer finished up her CDSP CD-C with a 197-1/2, a 198-1/2 (and HIT!) and a 199 (and a HIT!)

March – Finn got his 1st AKC CD leg with a 192-1/2 and a first place! He also earned his first Beginner Novice leg with a 196 and a first place!



Finn was Nationally Ranked 15th in Novice B in CDSP and Nationally Ranked 12th in Open A in CDSP

Finn finished his CDX-C with a 192.5, 194 and a 193 – all with first places!

Emma was Nationally Ranked 10th in Utility A in CDSP.

Emma finished up her CDSP UD-C with a 192 (first place), 192.5 (3rd place) and a 197 (first place)

Dreamer was Nationally Ranked 6th in WCRL Rally in Level 2 in 2013!

Dreamer earned her level 1 and 2 titles in rally

Finn earned his CDSP CD-C with a 190.5 (2nd place), 2nd leg 199.5, (1st place and HIT), 198.5 (2nd place)

(ASCA) Emma got her 3rd CDX leg with a 3rd place!

(ACSA)  Emma earned her UD with a 190-1/2 (first place), 194-1/2 (first place) and 192 (first place!)

Finn earned his ARCH with 168 points (68 points to spare) and ranked 8th in ARCH in National Rankings!

Finn earned his Rally Level 1 Championship, level 2 title and level 3 title