The Aggression Collection


Purchase “How to Right a Dog Gone Wrong; The road map for rehabilitating aggressive dogs” and “The R.E.W.A.R.D. Zone for aggressive & reactive dogs” 3 DVD set at the same time and get a discount! The book is your textbook and the video shows you the protocols in action, with real dogs, real people, real issues!

See below for more product information!

This all just started within the last few days and I’m so sorry – it’s the other countries that are charging those fees, not the USA

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The Updated & Expanded Edition of “How to Right A Dog Gone Wrong; the road map for rehabilitating aggressive dogs,” by Pam Dennison CDBC. The original edition was 10 chapters – this new one has 17 chapters! The R.E.W.A.R.D. Zone program focuses on establishing foundation behaviors, learning to shape new behaviors, reading your dog, learning to interpret your environment and teaching owners to be better trainers. The book is your textbook and the DVD shows you the protocols in action, with real dogs, real people, real issues and teaches you how to transfer it all to real life!

What you’ll find in this collection: BIG concepts explained in an easy to understand and implement format. You’ll learn how to set up your own sessions and what foundation behaviors you’ll need. How and when to start a session, when to keep going and when to stop are also addressed.

A lifetime of training teaches you a great deal. When almost half of that lifetime is working with aggressive dogs, you learn a lot more.

Here’s an excerpt:
Does your dog have an aggression problem? Take this simple quiz:
Would you rather parachute into enemy territory with the Navy SEALS than take your dog for a walk?
Do you only go out with your dog at midnight or 4 a.m. and wish you had an infrared camera to detect and then avoid anyone else who might be around?
Do you stop breathing or panic when someone approaches? (Do you ever breathe at all when you are walking your canine buddy?)
Have you rearranged your entire life to make sure that your dog doesn’t see (and subsequently attack) other dogs or people?
Are you embarrassed by the way your dog behaves when people come to your house?
Are people nervous when they come to your house?
Do people still actually come to your house?
Do you worry about losing your home insurance if the insurance company finds out you have a dog that throws himself at the door in a frenzy whenever someone rings the doorbell?
Do you get tired of coming up with clever responses to people who scream, “You should learn to control that dog!”
Do you feel like a failure because your dog growls and/or lunges at people or dogs?”

If you said yes to these, you need this book! Don’t hide in the darkness any longer. Answers are within reach.

“How to Right a Dog Gone Wrong” beautifully blends the science of behavior with real-world experience working with aggressive dogs. It is wonderfully interspersed with the triumphs and tribulations that she experienced with her own dog, Shadow, as well as her clients dogs. Pam Dennison delivers her outstanding “roadmap for rehabilitating aggressive dogs,” for dog owners and trainers alike with straightforward concepts that reflect her breadth of experience in working with aggressive and reactive dogs.


From workable suggestions on managing dogs to ensure safety, to the behavior modification protocols used to modify aggression, Pam covers it all.


Filled with practical advice, this is a superb resource for anyone going through the same journey with their own companions. “Twelve Foundation Behaviors” as well as “The Golden Rules” are not the only highlights of this book. It succinctly outlines skills that are tantamount to success in aggression cases, as well as offering insight on how to troubleshoot typical issues that may arise. Michael Shikashio CDBC, President – IAABC

Pam on DogCast radio, talking about aggression and the book! Click here to listen!
The R.E.W.A.R.D. Zone program focuses on establishing foundation behaviors, learning to shape new behaviors, reading your dog, learning to interpret your environment and teaching owners to be better trainers. This DVD set accomplishes that by bridging the gap between information presented in my books and knowing how to transfer that to real life.

What you’ll find in this DVD – real people, real dogs, real issues. You’ll see BIG concepts explained in an easy to understand and implement format. You’ll learn how to set up your own sessions and what foundation behaviors you’ll need. How and when to start a session, when to keep going and when to stop are also addressed.

What you won’t find – car wrecks, wildly aggressing dogs, blood or drama. The R.E.W.A.R.D. Zone is about building a strong positive relationship, trust, safety and care, dozens of alternate and incompatible behaviors – incompatible to aggressing.

For dog owners and trainers of any level, this seminar teaches handlers to manage, train, start and continue the desensitization process with their reactive/aggressive dog in a positive, pro-active and effective manner.

Review from Pat Miller, Peaceable Paws, MD: “Pam Dennison’s R.E.W.A.R.D. Zone for modifying reactive/aggressive dog behavior brings a fresh, new and exciting approach to a training world dominated by C.A.T., B.A.T., L.A.T. and counter conditioning methods.

By helping the dog become enthusiastically engaged in a variety of training games and exercises and generously reinforcing behaviors that are incompatible with reactivity and aggression, the R.E.W.A.R.D. Zone process creates a positive association with the training environment. This happy association generalizes with the careful introduction of the stimuli that the dog was previously reacting to. The dog becomes so attentive to his handler and so engaged in the training activities that the other dog, human, or whatever, essentially becomes an irrelevant non-issue.

The counter conditioning/desensitization process is almost incidental to the operant training exercises, and seems to occur more quickly, and without the dreary drudgery that can be part of a straight counter conditioning program. I’m already contemplating how to add some of these very effective attention exercises into our own Reactive Rover workshops… The information that Pam is offering is valuable, and deserves to be fully heard…. by the time I got to the end of the second disc I was sold.

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