For the safety of others, if you’ve rescued your puppy or gotten the pup from a breeder, I require proof of a clean fecal before you sign up for class. (to rule out worms, coccidia and giardia – all highly contagious diseases).
Puppy K – 6 classes – first class without the dogs, remaining five classes are with the dogs. (ages: 8 weeks to approx. 16-20 weeks) $180.00. Max 5 dogs per class (in person) plus 3 dogs per class via zoom.
The start of focus and eye contact, sit, down, stand, the basics of stay, come, loose leash walking and “sit for petting” (versus jump on strangers). Answers to those annoying puppy behaviors will be addressed and the last 10 minutes of each class is devoted to puppy playtime. Read the new position paper from the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior on Puppy Socialization. For other position statements from the AVMA, click here IF YOU THINK YOUR PUPPY IS DERANGED, Your dog has been KIDNAPPED! Read This
Performance Puppy – 6 week course, first class without the dogs. Start your puppy off right! This class will be geared for all types of competition for those of you that already know you want to compete in dog sports. Agility, competition obedience, rally will all be addressed. Normal Puppy K stuff will also be addressed. $180.00. Max 5 dogs per class (in person) plus 3 dogs per class via zoom.
Beginners – 6 classes – first class without the dogs, remaining five classes are with the dogs. Eye contact, sit, down, stand, stay in all positions, come, loose leash walking, sitting politely for petting, door etiquette, impulse control, and a few pet tricks. $180.00. Max 5 dogs per class (in person) plus 3 dogs per class via zoom.
To see class schedules here.
Pre-registration is required, and follow the instructions to complete registration. Be sure to read all three pages and sign and initial where indicated in red. RegistrationForm