
Complete Idiot’s Guide to Positive Dog Training, 3rd Edition
Companion Online Class
Session Starting October 13, 2012!
Course runs for 8 weeks, with new lessons available every few days.
CPDTs and CBCCs: 4 CEU’s will be awarded.
If you are a CPDT or CBCC you will need to let me know as soon as you sign up for the course.

Positive training is not mindless permissiveness (It’s okay Rover, we can buy a new couch – you just enjoy yourself), nor is it randomly throwing cookies around, hoping for the right behavior to happen. (Here, Fifi, if I give you a cookie, will you stop barking?)

As you will see, it’s a powerful and scientific system for breaking down the barrier between dog and human communications, producing desired behaviors or preventing undesired behaviors.

I’m going to ask you to get rid of your (possibly) preconceived notions of "dominating, correcting, punishing, control, command, and obedience" and replace them with "influence, show, teach, trust, cue, and manners." You may find it hard at first to believe, but your dog will learn faster once you eliminate these notions.

Your dog is not the enemy, and training your dog doesn’t have to be a battle of wills (not even if you have a hound or a terrier!), but a mutual learning process, building up a foundation of trust and respect.

Your dog (yes, your dog, the one who seems to be on a mission to wreck as much of your house as possible, as fast as he can) really does want to do the right thing, if you can show him how. In the beginning, you’ll just have to trust me on this one: Your dog is fine – it is your current lack of understanding on how dogs learn that’s the only thing holding you back.

In this course, I will teach you to communicate with your dog, so that your relationship will become something you will treasure for years to come.

So, let’s get started!


This is the way it will work:

Online Course Design:

  • This course was designed to be taught in the same order in which I teach these behaviors in my regular group classes.
  • Each step gradually builds on the previous one, along with the relationship aspect of these behaviors. One simply can’t train a loose leash walk if there is no connection between you and your dog. You will see such a class in all of the videos. These are real dogs, real handlers, real issues, all shown in real time.
  • There are a total of 15 lessons, along with video clips. I will be spreading these out over a 8 week period.
  • Each lesson will include text and a video clip(s).
  • You will have a total of 70 days to come back to the site to re-read and watch the video clips.
  • You will be able to post questions, problems or comments to the blog. I will be monitoring you questions and comments, and will answer as soon as possible.
  • Because dog training is such a visual thing, I encourage you to video tape yourselves and your dogs if you are having a problem, post it to Youtube.com (free account) and then post your link so we can all look at it and discuss it.
  • You may purchase the DVD compilation via Paypal for $24.00 + S&H at any time, including during initial registration below.

As I always do with all of my work, I left the mistakes in the video clips so you can see what to do and what not to do!

While many of the lessons are from The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Positive Dog Training, 3rd Edition, there will be some text that isn’t in the book and some lessons that are in the book aren’t in this course. If you don’t already own a copy of the book, you can pick one up at your local bookstore, at Amazon.com, or through my online store.

Legalize: Please note that all of my content – the printed lessons and video clips – are copyrighted. Please do not share. Thank you!


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What students are saying about CIG: Postitive Dog Traning ONLINE CLASS:

Piccolo’s Graduation Video: This was done on iPhone to demonstrate some of the training skills taught in Pam Dennison’s Online Companion Training Course. I have added some bonus tricks performed by my Löwchen, Piccolo. Piccolo is hoping this, plus his earlier videos, will earn him his Graduation Certificate! This course is excellent, and lots of fun. ~ lowchen123mom

I have thoroughly enjoyed this class (and the multi-dog) class, Pamela! Thanks for making our lives, and the lives of our pups, more enriching. ~F.H.

We’ve got a ways to go, but my goodness, I can’t believe how much progress I’ve seen in both dogs these last two months — especially in “crazy” Augie. It’s pretty amazing considering we only train a few minutes in the evenings and a bit more on weekends. ~B.S.

Thank you, Pam!…These exercises were great review for Xander and perfect timing for Daisy…You’re a great instructor – hope to meet you in person again at some point!! ~Lori C

I would never have thought of teaching a dog to heel using a 50-foot line. I took both dogs to the capitol grounds yesterday — more distracting than my yard, but less so than a city park — and Maisie stuck right with me. Maybe not a competition heel, but darn close and getting better! Augie did pretty well and stayed most of the time. But by and large he did better than I’ve ever seen him do.

I have struggled with LLW and heeling for years with every dog I’ve had. I was told pop the leash, yank harder, be more stern, yada, yada, yada. But I could never be “stern” enough and I was never good at “pops.” It’s their neck – I can’t do that! I’ve tried being a tree — they just learned to back up a step and started pulling again as soon as I moved forward. This way is so much more fun — and effective! The dogs are happy! I’m happy! Yippee!!!!! ~Barb

Your method is so elegantly simple it’s a pleasure to train and a kick in the head to see it work so rapidly. ~Deb