Cleaning Up Your Act; the fussy & meticulous behaviors for competition obedience and rally, Part 2
Next session begins January 20, 2024
Are you having problems with directed jumping or teaching your dog to back up?
Does your dog creep on the moving stand?
Are you stuck on teaching the retrieve or scent discrimination?
Not sure how to add in distractions?
Are you all thumbs when handling the leash in rally?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the “Cleaning Up Your Act Part Two ” ONLINE class is for you!
Cleaning Up Your Act Part Two is for those dogs and handlers that have some basic experience in competition obedience/rally, such as heeling, turns, etc., but want to step it up a notch and clean up their performances. Each of the behaviors are taught in easy to teach and understand “snippets,” so that both you and your dog can be successful.
All ages, breeds and skill levels are WELCOME!
This course will also discuss problem solving – how to recognize there’s an issue and some different ways of fixing it. Also discussed is the use of props – how to use them and how to fade them and how, if at all possible, to avoid them altogether.
I never train my own dogs or my students dogs just one level at a time, because I like to lay an early foundation on all behaviors. I train Competition obedience, rally and CDSP simultaneously. You’ll see that this course has some elements from all levels.
Part Two includes:
Reinforcement strategies
Cleaning up your right and left finishes
Calming yourself down
Directed jumping
The shaped retrieve
Scent discrimination
Glove pivots
Adding in distractions
Back ups
Moving stand exercises
Jumping 101
Stand for exam
..and so much more!
How it works:
There are 30 lessons, 36 video clips (Plus 1 bonus lesson) and I will be releasing a new lesson every other day for 62 days.
The cost is $175.00. EVERYONE gets a working spot. i.e., you don’t have to pay more to get my one-on-one support, via posts or video clips.
If you wish to purchase the video compilation, you may do so at any time during the class. The cost for the DVD (menu driven, 2 DVD set) is $32.00 plus shipping.