Specialty classes – from Treibball, Swim class, Tracking, Whistle Recall, “Mine,” Extreme Pet Tricks and so much more! Some of the classes are 6 weeks, some for 4 weeks and a few (for the Senior dogs) are 3 weeks. Keep scrolling down and click on each line for more information!
All of the “classes” listed here, with the exception of Tracking, are now being held as privates
To see class schedules here.
Pre-registration is required, and follow the instructions to complete registration. Be sure to read all three pages and sign and initial where indicated in red. RegistrationForm
Tracking 101 – 6 week course. This class will get you and your dog started for the sport of AKC tracking. In this venue, you will “lay” (walk) a track and your dog will learn to follow the scent of the person that walked the track. Tracking 101 will include straight lines, curves and angled turns. No prior skills needed – just a nose! $160.00
Maximum 4 teams. We will meet in a different location. There will be some equipment needed – either a leather tracking harness (mine – don’t order it online – get it from me directly so as to save shipping) or an X back sledding harness (I’ll direct you to the right place) and a 2 color 40 foot long line (choice of 2 colors, 40 foot lead)
Breed Handling with a Twist – 5 week course, all classes are with the dogs. in this class we will actually be *teaching* the dogs all of the behaviors needed for the breed ring, as opposed to just dragging them around. Teaching them to gait, free stack, hard stack, accepting handling and more will all be part of this class.
Whistle Recall – 6 week course, all classes are with the dogs. This class is based on my Maxwell Award winning DVD of the same name. Maximum of 5 dogs per class. All of the dogs MUST be good with other dogs and people, since eventually we’ll be off leash or leash dragging. Cost for this class is $160.00 which includes 1 whistle. Max 5 dogs per class (in person) plus 3 dogs per class via zoom.
Benefits: The whistle recall is a great tool for many reasons:
- If your dog is starting to lose its hearing, the whistle will often be heard
- If you have poisoned their “Come” cue, the whistle is a great alternative
- If the dog gets lost, the whistle sound travels much farther than a verbal recall
- The whistle can be heard over nature’s sounds – surf, thunder, rain, etc., and even man-made sounds like a generator, loud trucks, etc.
The whistle is never annoyed, never angry, never scared or panicked; It sounds the same every time
Extreme Pet Tricks – 6 week course, all classes are with the dogs. Have you ever wondered how trainers get their dogs to “say your prayers,” grind their own toenails, clean up their toys, do a handstand and more? Then this class is for you! For the novice or not so novice trainer/dog, all levels are welcome. (includes service dogs tricks – turn lights on and off, retrieve the phone, etc.
Intro to Treibball – 6 week course, all classes are with the dogs. Click on the link to see more video! Treiball is new sport that came from Germany, also called “push ball” or “soccer for dogs.” Whatever it’s called, its FUN FUN FUN! You don’t need a herding breed or even a dog that is very athletic or even a dog that likes balls or toys – the dog in this video clip is both of those, but not to worry – you can do Treibball with your calmer dogs too! Great for dogs that no longer do agility and for those handlers that don’t want to run agility.
This 6 week class is all about training “tricks in tandem” – training two or more dogs together. I’ve been having so much fun training two of my dogs, I wanted to share that fun with you! Your dogs should be relatively well trained and able to work off leash. You can bring 2 or more dogs to the class.
Four Week Specialty Classes
Loose Leash Walking This mini crash course will be held indoors as well as outdoors. Equipment needed (special harness – leather tracking harness with padded breastplate or X back sledding harness – and long line) – ask Pam.
On the Road – 4 week course held only in the spring, summer and fall – all classes with the dogs. We will take the dogs “on the road” and meet in 4 different locations to train the dogs in more real life scenarios, building on the skills already learned in the previous levels.
Back to Basics – 4 week course, all classes with the dogs. This will be a 4 week course to get you back on the right track if you haven’t been in for training in awhile. A great refresher course to add between levels!
Everyone in the Pool! – 4 week course, all classes with the dogs. Just like this sounds, we will be teaching the dogs to swim! Not all dogs naturally know how to swim. If your dog will go into the water but only up to a point, this is the class for you. We will take the dogs to 3 different locations with 3 different water sources – a river, a lake and a swimming pool. (yes we all have to wear bathing suits…) If your dog is afraid of the water, this is NOT the class for you.
Desensitization For Breed Handling *and* Vet Visits – Does your dog not allow a mouth exam? Is your dog too squirmy/happy/scared to handle a body exam? Is your dog nervous about being examined? This mini course will teach your dog to willingly accept all of the behaviors needed for the breed ring, as well as for vet visits. Pre-registration is a must.
Three Week Specialty Classes
Senior’s Class
This three week class will get your senior dog off the couch and out of the house to learn new things. $80.00 Yes, you can teach your old dog new tricks! Just a few of the behaviors we’ll be teaching your dog:
- Treibball
- Tricks – bow, shake, wave, spin, back up, head down, weave between your legs, agility on the flat and so much more
- Mental stimulation puzzles to help with any cognitive dysfunction issues
Leave it, aka Mine! This 3 week class will get you on the road to getting a very reliable “mine” cue. $80.00 An invaluable behavior, which can save you a great deal of heartache as well as emergency trips to the vet when your dog races to get the “cookie” you dropped – only it wasn’t a cookie, it was medicine that is toxic for dogs. Or drinking out of that stagnant puddle on the trail that can contain bacteria or the puddle in the parking lot that can contain deadly anti-freeze. And let’s not forget the old standby – goose poo! 3 session/3 hours.
Write to me any time with suggestions for classes!